Whimtension Theory
Whim of Tension Theory
A new word I invented, Whimtension, is meant to express the idea surrounding change at a fundamental level, the level that sparks the motivation for a whim of energy to leek from the vacuum and split whatever fabric of reality it is in relationship with causing tension, which then produces sound, light, and all other expression of energy.
A whim of tension is caused by what?
If in a vacuum of space, all the way down to the quantum level, a whim of tension appears it is sure to make a sound soon after the moment takes place. The question becomes, where is the motivation for such a force to appear.
If a charge is changing from positive to negative, the force is coming from somewhere that is and already has been. Yet a whim of tension comes from nowhere, from a place of neither positive or negative, instead both appear at the same time.
The Big Bang must have expressed its self inwards, just as much as it expressed itself outwards.
So with this in mind, and the fundamental principle of mentalism accepted. We can consider the idea that on the other side of this outward expression of reality that we know so well, and the inner ideas the Buddha’s have attempted to experience that take them beyond sound and into a relationship with feeling. Maybe their is a motivating force even deeper that connects the two attributes of this singularity of energy that connects the positive and negative which is always focusing on balancing itself and everything around it out for the sake of harmony.
Harmony and then all of a sudden whimtension at a subatomic level.
Heat cools
Ice melts.
Harmony becomes unproductive since the being is burning out all on its own. Productivity kills balance but summons the divine since it puts us in control of our experience.
A whim of tension shatters our harmonious experience because control is lost.
heat cools because control is lost... lava stays hot even though no sun light initiated it.
Ice Melts with the seasons, but not much energy can be extracted from it’s process of change.
Still as ice,
Fluid as lava
Movement is without whimtension since it is ever present.
Two human beings of great intellect who do not speak the same language stare each other in the eyes but can not pass anything along excepts the essence of respect or hate. They flair up, they sit still. All the wisdom and practice in the world to empower the self is realized wasted and thus an internal pressure begins to build up... or the beings find acceptance and out comes a burst of laughter.
Laughter... primal sounds vibrate.
Whimtension is the realization that all is nothing and everything.
The all... is.
Is it?
Yes... when it chooses to be.
How can we harness power and energy?... we can only because we choose to need to.
We need to because there is tension.
Where is their no tension... where will there never be another whim of change?
Resistance exist for the sake of survival.
Primal forms of nature have no words and they resist.
With no words how can we harness more power?
We trick them into playing with each other and capture their whims of expressed energy as it leeks from their happy bodies existing under tension.
the universe didn’t know it’s self till it exploded into oblivion. Space was their to capture it’s energy and can only enjoy the splatter of form presented, or it can choose to be unsatisfied and hate it. ... joy and hate... hot and cold. The movement between the two is where we look for energy.
Isolating and oscillating energy. Chaos inside of order with a leaching property secretly attached for the sake of the divinity of master mind who observes but never speaks... always asking its self, what to do?
Do nothing... and the energy falls.
Do and energy stays in play.
Can a closed loop system be generated with a regenerative leach secretly fixed in? Or is the secret no secret at all... can the observer be observed by the players and loved since they players love to play the observers game.
Can heat want to become cold and back again.
Is the Ozone happy to see rays of the Sun pass through it?
Is lava curious and on its own willing to become still at the waters edge?
A master mind of man my know the infinite cosmic mind is already keeping the balance... but that’s just no fun for the confused being. “I refused to accept my place and will my being into stillness. Instead I will to will and upon my will all matter will abide.” = competition with the cosmic order.
Resistance arises.
How do we control humans who will not stop duplicating.
How can I stay warm when the earth is in a constant state of rebalancing.
It is best that I resist as well.
Tension emerges at a whim of resistance from no matter how small the force up against now matter how extreme the oppressor. ... yet the soul remains intact.
The soul of the cosmos. What does it want?... tension, peace, harmony... blankness of mind?
Can I have blankness of mind? If so what problems will I solve when I find a place beyond solution since no ness is of the “space”
We are not alone!!!!!!!!!
Hello new friend.
I think we both know there are no words that can solve this riddle we choose to invent.
When it all just stops... I hope there is a level, flat, dry and smooth place for me to ride my Cyr Wheel.
Spinning in circles is the answer. It’s what the atom, the electrons, the protons, the molecules of fire and ice all do.
Relative speeds for the sake of perpetuating for the sake of perpetuating.
It might as well be called the gift of life.
Sincerely your,
The nameless force of the universe that just happen to one day experience a whim of tension within its formless self.
It’s not about getting what we what out of it.
It’s about playing with what we’ve gotten out of it.
And remembering we only remember because we love each other enough to continue to express it, for what it is. Fun to play with.
Spin... it’s all ready spinning.
If we are capturing change as it’s cooling down, try and capture the change and recycle it back into the form so the system can enjoy the spin and learn to know spin as the new norm and forever without changing form become constant and be adorned, aka worn.
Only what’s tended enjoys its self. No singularity knows it’s self without a mirror. No mirror could be without whim to realize sight is seeing.
At the gym man grow their bodies and pay to do so... what if they were paid to work out on machines that produced energy? And what if that body builder was loved because his body produced the mundane worlds energy. They already do it for sex and self love, what if they earned status and world respect.
Cyclical effort should be praised and rewarded beyond the tangle attributes of reward. For human energy is almost free and more abundance than the shifting technologies generating and capturing energy.
Culture of radical love for cyclical effort and self sacrifice could produce more energy then ever needed because abundance of movement will be generated at the expense of the playful whim of pleasure and natural motions of healing.
HOOK THEM UP TO A MACHINE!!! But tell the whole world about it first, put them on blast and make sure the reward is equal to the expectation.
an artist starves himself to get the reflection across to the world. Yet, starving yourself is actually a very healing exercise.
The universe is spinning, existence of even the soul is cyclical.
Spontaneous generating of options for the wise beings who just wants to keep moving makes the most sense. It’s the mentalist we need to look out for. They feel divine yet fear reality the most. Feminine, masculine, we know not the difference when we’re simply at play. ... control knows no play.
“Robot knows no play.”
0101010101010101 is code for control.
Can we do better than disguising where the tension is coming from? Can we express the tension and let each whim of human energy participate in the spontaneity? ... “he leans in and say, that’s exactly what we are already doing.” ... What if you put a text book out there about it?
The Whimtension Theory.
Give you life away to the global system of energy and know you’ll live your life among the elite, the proud, the entertained. ... There’s only one catch, if you turn back the only way out is a plum it to the death. ... and show them the fall.
Human inside of chaos, or God inside his own mind dedicated to omnipotent control over the self and no other. Just like the cosmic void where the sun, moon, and stars circle them selves in space observing the circus they whim and generate.
It’s the option that matters. It’s the option that some born into the cosmic void don’t get.
Can a system have the option of capturing energy or not. Can the system be set up to generate to much and thus easily release excess and use the excess as a way of playing with itself?
Abundance is not excess. Abundance produces waist. Excess is released for those happily waiting beyond words.
Make plans for the excess and see how the beings relate to limited abundance.
Do not tell them to put the older and less desired fruit in front of the good stuff. It’s stupefying both parties.
Express everything for what it is. ... part of the cosmic system.
Human perspective is the problem. Human observation is the solution.
The Whimtension Theory. - By Jacob Doyle Haslem-Gindl